Jane Leupold, the wife of Las Cruces head volleyball coach Keith Leupold, passed away on Friday, January 14th, 2011.

Originally diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008, Jane fought an incredible and courageous battle against the disease.

She was the first lady of volleyball in New Mexico, and was like a second mom to many young women over the years, from not only Las Cruces High, but schools throughout New Mexico.

Services for Jane will be held 3:30 PM on Wednesday, January 19th at Las Cruces First Assembly of God.


Take Bataan Memorial (HWY 70) east to Porter Drive.  Exit Porter and U-Turn under HWY.  Head back west on frontage road. Las Cruces First is about 1/10 of a mile on right.

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Please keep Keith and his family in your thoughts and prayers.